One Lucky Dog
10 questions with Lamara Mikheidze
Rescued from: CAA Rescue (Montreal)
Interview by Allan Tong
(March 2018)
Montreal dog lover, Lamara Mikheidze, walks us through the adoption process with an animal rescue, and explains how her dog, Lucky, lives up to his name:
How did you hear about Lucky?
I found out about Lucky on Facebook. CAA Rescue (Compassionate Animal Adoption Rescue Montreal) posted a notice about a tiny, two-pound Chihuahua who was dumped in a parking lot in frigid temperatures. CAA wanted to find a foster family for the little one. How could I say no to that face?
Unfortunately, like some abandoned dogs, Lucky was in rough shape. What was he like and how did you heal him?
Lucky was emaciated (see left photo, below). He'd lost quite a bit of fur. His ears were frostbitten, feeling like cardboard, and were blackened. Lucky also had a grade-two heart murmur, and his mouth was full of rotten teeth. (Boy, did it smell awful.) We took Lucky to the vet for his first check-up. We gave him medicine to clear up the infection in his mouth. He didn't like the medicine, so we had to find ways to outsmart him, which was not too easy. After a couple weeks, Lucky was ready to go in for his spay/neuter, and for his teeth cleaning and extraction.
How did CAA help you with Lucky's medical needs?
While I was responsible to physically transport Lucky to the vet, all the bills were paid by CAA. Also, they booked all those appointments. My job was to show Lucky love and care while they took care of his multiple issues.
What did CAA disclose of Lucky's condition when you inquired?
Everything. I was well aware what his needs were and was completely briefed. I understood and accepted them. I felt like I was saving a life and I wanted to make a difference in this little guy’s life.
How did you prepare your home for Lucky?
Since my other dog Sparky (above, on the right) is also a Chihuahua, my boyfriend and I already had a lot of the things for Lucky. We set up a soft crate to give Lucky a safe place to hang out, since he was likely going to be nervous and scared. We got him a soft, warm bed, some toys all his own, and blankets just to make sure he was comfortable. My biggest worry was how Sparky would react to having a new guy in the house, but I worried for nothing. They got along great.
How did CAA support the transition?
When Lucky entered my home, CAA had food and treats ready for him. They also offered moral support, which, as nervous first-timers, we needed a lot of. CAA also helped with all the “vetting” and medical concerns that arose. Vetting are all the veterinary needs a dog may have, from cleaning teeth to vaccines.
You already had food for Sparky, so why did CAA offer you more dog food?
You have to transition dogs slowly from the food they are used to, to a new type. So, CAA supplied Lucky his eventual, habitual food.
What was it like for Lucky to adjust to your home?
The first couple of nights, starting April 29, 2014, were a bit tough. He was uncomfortable and we gave him space until he felt better. He was skittish. Lucky didn't know what it was like to be picked up, and was always scared with his tail tucked in tight. In fact, he thrashed about violently if we picked him up. He knew nothing about dog toys or treats--both scared him. We noticed that he was always ducking whenever we walked over to him holding something. So, we figured out that this dog was hit and dropped many times because of his reactions to us. Lucky had been abused.
How is Lucky now?
Lucky has completely blossomed into a bossy, little troublemaker we adore. He's learned to play with toys, and chases us around the house like a tiny adorable shadow. He now has three teeth and a whole lot of gums. Lucky has also developed a taste for home-cooked food: beef strips, roast chicken, sweet potato, and homemade treats. Lucky is a normal, happy, healthy dog.
What advice would you give people wanting to adopt from a rescue?
Choose a reputable rescue (read How To Adopt A Pet in 9 Steps) and make sure you are really ready for a pet to come into your life. Many people had warned me against adopting a rescue dog and how it will not be the same as getting a puppy, but they were totally wrong. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.