November 2019
Dear animal lover,
Here's our November newsletter, highlighting the latest news on animal rescues and animal welfare across Quebec and Ontario (click the bolded words to read the full stories). If you have any news or upcoming events you'd like us to share next month, send us an email at admin@guardiansbest.com.
Thank you,
Melanie Dziengo
Article of the Month
Five tips for preparing your dog for the colder weather
By: Melanie Dziengo
Winter is coming. And with that comes snow, temperatures dropping below 0°C, and a pet who needs to be prepared for the weather, just like us humans. Here are some tips to help you and your dog get ready for the colder months.
Purchase a coat. This is especially true for dogs who aren’t bred for winter such as Chihuahuas or bulldogs. This will help keep them warm, and there may be a coat you can get that will help prevent frostbite on your dog’s tail.
Protect your dog’s paws. Salt can wreak havoc your dog’s paws and the colder weather, just like in humans, can cause your dog’s skin to become dry and cracked. Firstly, you must keep the hair around the paws short so that snow cannot freeze around the paws.
There are also several options you have when it comes to protecting paws. You can use a balm, which will protect from the elements. You can also use dog boots (if your dog will allow it). Lastly, try to keep your dog away from areas that are heavy with salt (admittedly, easier said than done in Canada). But, if you dog does come into contact with salt, wash your dog’s paws as soon as you get home.
Blankets, blankets, and more blankets. Yes, even at home, your dog can get cold. Having thicker blankets or a dog bed will help keep your best friend his warmest. They will be able to hide if they’re cold, and you can get a new favourite Instagram post!
Prepare an emergency kit. You never know when the heat in your home will go out, so if you have to leave quickly, ensure you’re prepared. This includes having a list of pet friendly hotels, having enough food and water for several days (if you’re able to stay home), and having extra medication.
Limit time outdoors. Just like in summer, if the weather is too much for you, it’s also too much for your dog. Dogs can get frostbite and hypothermia, so you should look out for those signs when you’re outside. If you must walk your dog, keep the walk short, and be certain your dog is prepared.
With these tips, you and your dog will have a fun winter. You can run around and play in the snow, and enjoy the six months of it, because come summer, you’ll be begging for the colder weather.
The Ontario government is taking a look at changes to the Dog Owners Liability Act after two people were allegedly attacked by pit bulls. Two women in southwestern Ontario believe people should not own pit bulls.
Resources for palliative care for animals is increasing in North America. And, there can be ways to increase his or her quality of life before they reach the end of their lives.
Canadians for Animal Protection has lost their bid to speak on behalf of animals in an Ontario courtroom. The court case began with an application to seek a ban from various retailers from selling specific traps.
We were featured in the Toronto Sun, covering our Instagram campaign about #RescueHeroes. To read more, click here.
In Nova Scotia, a 9-year-old shih tzu saved a 13-year-old cat from being attacked by two raccoons. The dog bit the raccoons off of the cat, who is expected to make a full recovery.
A Windsor, Ontario woman and her partner have been denied more than 15 rental properties because of their dog. In Ontario, a landlord cannot tell renters they can’t have pets, but before a rental agreement is signed, landlords are allowed to refuse renters with pets.
Some animals may have health problems that can mask an underlying health issue like pain or lower urinary tract issues.
Kids are at the Toronto Humane Society for their Reading Buddies program. The program pairs children with dogs, bunnies, and even turtles to listen to new readers practice their reading skills, and build their confidence.
A three-year study is being conducted at the University of Guelph to examine the effectiveness of cannabis in treating certain types of tumours found in dogs. The study is believed to be the first of its kind in Canada.
The Government of Ontario is proposing new legislation that would strengthen Ontario’s animal cruelty laws. An example of changes to the law would be hiring more inspectors for livestock, zoos, and aquariums.
Events of the Month
St. Jacobs, ON - November 3, 2019 - Spoil the Dog Artisanal Bakery is hosting a ghost walk. You can get free treats, and discover St. Jacobs altogether. There will also be a chance to win prizes, and a portion of the sales will go to charity.
Montreal, Que. - November 6, 2019 - Humane Society International/Canada is hosting a fundraising event called Rescue Me! There will be wine, live music, and a silent auction. Proceeds will go to their animal rescue efforts and emergency shelter in Montreal.
Ottawa, ON - November 6, 2019 - The Ottawa Humane Society is hosting its first Fall Adopt-a-Thon. You can see adoptable animals (if you adopt one cat, and decide on another, the second adoption fee will be waived), take a behind the scenes tour, or take your kids to the kids zone for some arts and crafts.
Pointe-Claire, Que. - November 6, 2019 - Animatch is hosting a paint night fundraiser at 3 Brasseurs from 7-9 p.m.
Ottawa, ON - November 9-10, 2019 - The Ottawa Pet Expo is being held at the EY Centre. You can learn about responsible pet ownership, see 200 exhibitors, and enjoy interactive pet events.
Toronto, ON - November 9, 2019 - Save Our Scruff will be at the Holy Name Christmas Market at Holy Name Church. There will be plenty of gift ideas, a bake sale, a raffle, and more.
Bracebridge, ON - November 16, 2019 - Moosonee Puppy Rescue is hosting their gala fundraiser, Black Ties & Tails at the Quality Inn. Tickets are $85 per person, and $35 per dog. There will also be a three course meal for you and your dog, live music, and a silent auction.
Mississauga, ON - November 23-24, 2019 - Canada’s Christmas pet festival is happening at the International Centre. There will be discussion panels, brand ambassadors, and interactive pet events.
Nepean, ON - November 24, 2019 - Freedom Dog Rescue and Barrkhaven are hosting a Santa photo event for your pets. The cost is $10 for one pose, and $20 for three poses.
Pets of the Month