March 2020
Dear animal lover,
Here's our March newsletter, highlighting the latest news on animal rescues and animal welfare across Quebec and Ontario (click the bolded words to read the full stories). If you have any news or upcoming events you'd like us to share next month, send us an email at admin@guardiansbest.com.
Thank you,
Melanie Dziengo
Article of the Month
Photo from Pexels
Keeping your pet safe while spring cleaning
By: Melanie Dziengo
Soon, we will open our windows, watch the snow melt, and turn our faces towards the sun as we welcome spring. However, that also means getting a head start on spring cleaning, which can be tough when we have a curious and inquisitive pet running around. So, how can you keep them safe while you clean? Read on to find out more.
Use pet-safe cleaning products
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), nearly 10 per cent of household products poisoned animals in 2018. And, those products include chemicals such as ammonia, chlorine, and bleach. So, if possible, you should use cleaning products that are safer for pets like vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. Also, wipe everything down with water after you’re finished cleaning so that anything that lingers won’t be as harmful to your pet.
Store chemicals up high
No matter what type of cleaning products you use, ensure they are stored high up, or somewhere that your pet cannot get to them. If you have a craftier pet, consider using a childproof lock on doors that way he or she cannot not open cabinets easily.
Keep your pet in another room
Cleaning can be tedious, so don’t make it more difficult for yourself by having your pet running around while you try to get into various nooks and crannies. Instead, you should keep them in a different room, and only let your pet back into the room when you’re done and everything is dry.
Have emergency numbers readily accessible
Even if you’re extremely diligent, there is a possibility something may go wrong so you should have emergency numbers on hand. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center is open 24 hours, 365 days a year, and will be able to help you. It is also important you go see your veterinarian immediately.
If you follow these tips, not only will your pet be safe, but you’ll also have a clean living space for him or her to run around safely.
Two Toronto Police officers returned an 8-year-old boy’s cat. The boy, Memo, had lost his mother and his cat ran away on the same day. But, the officers went to the Toronto Humane Society and found the cat.
In Montreal, volunteers and veterinarians are helping people who are homeless, and their companions, get the support they need. The volunteers give animal supplies to pet owners, and the vets provide the animals with medical care such as vaccines. Furthermore, in Toronto, a man who is homeless says he’d rather live on the streets than give up his pet.
A Nova Scotia court ruled in favour of a man, Mason Landry, who was ordered to get rid of his therapy dog in Clark Harbour. The dog, named Gizmo, was considered to be a dangerous breed because he is a mix of five different breeds that are banned by the town. The judge also determined the town hadn’t provided evidence that Gizmo was of a banned breed.
An update of a story we told you about last month, the world’s worst cat, Perdita, has found a home. A couple from Munroe County, Tennessee, has adopted the cat, and they have seen her worse side (which came as advertised), and her good side, especially when the cat crawled into Betty Genovese’s lap.
Animal rescuers in Calgary are angry about a proposed change to WestJet’s policy about importing rescue dogs that are supposed to be sold, adopted, or handed over to animal rescue groups. The proposed policy also said that the dogs must be placed in the cargo hold, and, if the dogs is younger than eight months old, there must be a permit. The airline says the changes were due to the Canada Border Services Agency. This change would affect rescues because importing dogs would be more expensive, and the rescue process to be lengthier.
Do you know what the difference is between pet stores, breeders, and humane societies? The answer to that question, and more, is right here!
The City of Toronto has a Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal, which meets monthly, is the final word on dangerous dog designations. They hear from owners who believe their dogs were labelled incorrectly and from the victims allegedly affected by the dogs. Dog owners whose dogs are considered dangerous must follow certain conditions, including muzzling at all times, and not entering off-leash areas.
Chinese pet owners are going to ridiculous lengths to protect their pets from the coronavirus. This includes putting masks on dogs, and plastic hazmat suits. It should be noted that the World Health Organization has stated that there is no evidence that the coronavirus can be passed on to cats and dogs.
Toronto will soon be home to the country’s first pet-friendly housing facility for LGBTQI2S youth. The home will serve 16-29-year old people, and their pets, offering a safe space for when they are in an unexpected housing transition. The facility was made possible thanks to Friends of Ruby and a grant from PetSmart Charities of Canada.
A pet rat named Ice Cube is an Internet sensation after inspiring people with his story. The rat, who was found abandoned on the streets of Montreal in January 2019, is a fighter. Even after losing four paws and a tail to frostbite, Ice Cube behaves like a typical rat, still climbs -- even though it’s difficult -- and goes to work with his owner. His story has spread on social media, and has gained a large following.
A Calgary group is fundraising to open a pet-friendly shelter for those who are homeless and their pets. This follows shelters in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal that are pet-friendly. If the Calgary group is successful, they plan to open a space with 25 beds and room to expand.
Paramedics that are able to provide emergency care to the Winnipeg police tactical team are now able to provide healthcare to the K-9 unit. The paramedics will be able to assess dogs, sedate them, and more. Winnipeg is one of the first jurisdiction to provide this type of training.
Animal rights activists across Canada are calling on the federal government to put an end to commercial dog sledding. They say that financial gain is allegedly being put ahead of the dogs’ health, and that the dogs are being exploited.
You are the first line of defence when your pet is injured, so that’s why it’s important to be prepared. So, read more to learn about what you need for pet first aid, performing CPR on your pet, etc.
Do you have a feeling that owning a pet is very beneficial to you? Science says you’re right! The health benefits include longer survival rates, lower rates of depression, and eight others.
A man from British Columbia paid more than $6,000 for pet insurance, but was only reimbursed $15.60. And, what started out as a $50 monthly premium climbed yearly, with his insurance claims for his dog mostly being denied.
Animal welfare agencies brought dozens of dogs from Thunder Bay to Toronto after the animals were removed from a hoarding case. They were all Maltese Shih Tzus, and were found soaked in their own excrement. Seven dogs were treated in Thunder Bay, and 40 were brought to Toronto.
The Ontario Provincial Police and the new Provincial Animal Welfare Services seized 11 of 14 emaciated dogs in Minden Hills, ON last month. The dogs are the subject of animal cruelty charges, and the investigation into the treatment of the animals is ongoing.
A cat that was trapped on a hydro pole in Toronto was reunited with its family last month. The cat was trapped on the pole during a storm, and Toronto Hydro was able to rescue the cat.
Events of the Month
Gravenhurst, ON - March 6, 2020 - Paws of the North Rescue and Sawdust City Brewery are hosting a meet and greet event called Pints N’ Paws. There, you can meet adoptable pets and enjoy some beer.
Beamsville, ON - March 14, 2020 - The Lincoln Public Library will host an event called Wags and Tails at the Fleming branch. You can join their friends from Therapy Tails Ontario for snuggles and stories.
Pierrefonds, Que. - March 14, 2020 - Rosie Animal Adoption and Pierrefonds Animal Hospital are hosting a bake sale and nail clipping event at Pierrefonds Animal Hospital.
Toronto, ON - March 15, 2020 - Save Our Scruff will be at Black Lab Brewing. They will have merch for sale, and pets who are looking for their forever homes. There will also be an opportunity to have some beer and vegan treats.
Pointe-Claire, Que. - March 21, 2020 - Animatch is hosting a nail clipping clinic at Global Pitou Minou Pointe Claire. There is a suggested $10 donation, with all proceeds going towards Animatch.
Toronto, ON - March 22, 2020 - Free Korean Dogs is hosting Doga (yoga with your dog) at The Costume House. You can participate with or without a dog (dog lovers are welcome too!) There will be treats, and a chance to bond with your dog. All proceeds from ticket sales will go to Free Korean Dogs.
Toronto, ON - March 28, 2020 - Fourth semester Event Management Students from George Brown College are hosting an event called Sit. Stay. Plank. There, you can get health information, participate in puppy yoga, and sit in on educational sessions. All proceeds go to the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides and George Brown College Foundation.
Oakville, ON - March 28, 2020 - The Dog Guide Spring Open House will be at the Lions Foundation of Canada’s training school in Oakville. You can tour the school, watch demonstrations, and visit with the puppies. The event is free, but donations are welcome.
Pets of the Month